Once again this year, we are heading east for the summer. We fly out to Toronto on Monday, May 1st to spend some time at the farm with Nicole and PJ and at the cottage on the St. Laurence, in Lanoraie near Montreal. Phil and Sandi are coming to join us on June 8th - it will be their first time east of Calgary. We have lots of things planned for when they come, spending time at the farm, showing them a little bit of Ontario (Phil can't wait to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto), going to Washington, New York as well as to Wilmington, DE where PJ works and lives during the week. Then, we'll head back to Canada towards the cottage, spend time there and explore the Montreal and Quebec City area. It will be a very full 3 1/2 weeks! We have sublet our condo for some of the time that we'll be away and know that Ginny, our renter, will have a wonderful time here in Yaletown in the summertime. We've yet to experience it ourselves since we bought the condo four years ago having gone East every year since. Maybe next year! In the meantime, here are some photos taken on our initial trip to the cottage, to open it up for the season. We are very happy that the municipality has extended the water main to our area and have connected up to it. Stan and I dug the trench and Claude, a plumber by trade, helped us with the connection process. We also had one of the large maples cut down to give us more sun and minimize the fall clean-up. Our very good neighbours helped us with the cutting up of the wood and cleaning up.

Stan digging

Claude connecting

We had a terrific tree cutter who did the job in 1/2 hour!

Clean-up time

Job well done!

Stan reading one of the rare and very previous English newspaper.