Well, it has been a couple of weeks now and we are getting in the groove. The weather has been mainly warm and sunny with the exception of a few days of rain. There is always a lot to do on a farm - mainly in the spring - so we have been busy. Nicole and PJ have been away at horse shows every weekend and are going again this Sunday. Nicole is showing four horses at various levels this season so she is hopping - the Big Boys (Stan and Jimmie) are on this weekend. Last week, it was the babies' turn (Nicky and JoJo).
Nicole on Niki in Stadium

Stan has traded in his early morning seawall walks for some time on the treadmill followed by mucking out seven stalls. He is giving Nicole a holiday from barn duty for a while. That should keep him in shape. On nice mornings, we enjoy having coffee outside on the terrace enjoying the peacefulness of the country.
One of the fun things to do here is go to country auctions. There are 3 or 4 a week at any one time in the area. One of our favourites is on Fridays at 4:30 pm and is called Corneil's - it is the real deal as far as country auctions go. You don't have to need anything in particular to go - believe me you'll find something you can't live without and it might cost you all of $3 or $4!
This is Corneil Senior doing his thing!

We're leaving for the cottage in Quebec on Tuesday to open it up for the summer. We're looking forward to seeing our Quebec friends again. We'll be there for about 10 days and be back here around the 25th of May. Nicole is driving down to Wilmington for the Memorial Day weekend on the 26th and, with the help of a few other people, we'll be looking after the farm then. Hope all the horses are on their best behaviour!