Friday, December 28, 2007

New Link to PJ's Photo Gallery

I've added a link to PJ's new Photo Gallery done through Imac. Just click on it at the top of the blog, right hand side.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

... from Caberneigh Farm!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nic 'n nick!

Nicole and Nicky enjoying the fresh snow!

Monday, December 17, 2007

We're in Ontario for the Holidays!

We arrived in Ontario this past Wednesday night. Nicole picked us up at the airport and we went to a Keg restaurant before heading home as per our custom (remember The Keg Mansion in downtown Toronto, Phil and Sandy? - that's the one we went to this time). There was already a great deal of snow on the ground and it hasn't really stopped accumulating since. Yesterday saw a record snowfall - the most in a 24-hour period since 1945! This morning we woke up to brilliant sunshine and the scenery was breathtaking. Here are some pictures taken around the farm. I put some snowshoes on this morning and broke a trail through virgin snow. It was fabulous.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yearly December Weekend Getaway

Sandy, Phil and ourselves have been celebrating our anniversary and Sandy's birthday by going away for a weekend sometime in December - this year we decided on Seattle. The weather cooperated being clear and crisp - perfect for getting into the Christmas mood. We had a great time shopping and eating out.

Our friends, Nadia and Charlton who live in Redmond, joined us for dinner on Friday night at Anthony's on the waterfront.

Carousel in downtown Seattle

Pike Street Market

Blues Brothers - Eat your heart out!

Fun time in Seattle on Saturday night!

On the way home on Sunday, we stopped at University Shopping Mall for a bit of last minute shopping. Santa was in residence for pet photos.

Monday, December 03, 2007

The New Apartment is Going Up at the Farm

Christmas Party at Phil's and Sandy's

Caberneigh Winter Scenes - and it's still Fall!

Grey Cup Party at Silvana's

Sasketchewan won and it made Sophie very happy!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The foster kittens of 2007

Too much capnip!

they're growing...

... and Archie has turned out to be a very good substitute parent!

A mess of kittens!

Little twin girls (we think they're girls anyway)

Getting some help from Archie and Willie