Another litter of puppies...

Boy going up a field on his horse on a Saturday morning

Benson the Second

A young family living near Frank and Anna

Roosters and hens everywhere

Schoolgirl waiting for bus in the morning - using her mother's chair (she's a bus checker)

White egrets hanging around with the cows

Woman doing her laundry outside her house; her horse is standing nearby

This pinto horse was tethered to a tree nearby for most of the time we were there - he was often visited by the mare and her foal

Another puppy sight in the morning

Bougainvilla in full bloom everywhere

Roman catholic church in Pitillal

We found many dogs on roofs in the mornings


Mare and foal on side of the road, also wandering the streets

Container garden

A herd of horses roaming through a playground

This burro woke us up throughout the night for the 10 days or so he was tethered in a nearby yard - hee-haw hee-haw!

One of the many cows roaming through the streets but always coming back to the milking station in the morning

Boys waiting for the school bell in the morning

Someone from the county comes around to a local corner store and innoculates dogs against rabbies for free. It was very hard for me not to beg for one of those puppies!