Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ruth's Visit

Ruth, Stan's cousin, was in town for a conference and we were able to spend most of Sunday with her. Ruth and Stan go a long way back to before the World War II internment of Japanese families when, in their case, they were taken from the Coast and moved to Alberta.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Motorcycle Mama!

Sheree is graduating to this lean, mean machine ...

Frito is a hit!

Frito - a chihuahua/shitzu cross - is the latest resident at Caberneigh Farm. He wormed his way into the girls' hearts on their visit to the cottage in Quebec and voila!

Frito giving Patapouf a haircut!
This is a video, click on arrow for it to start

Side Gardens at the Farm

The perennial gardens around the house are starting to look very nice after much digging, weeding and transplanting.

Last Stay at the Cottage

It is Vendu! We had a lot of good times there but we're glad to be turning a new leaf.

Farewell dinner with Claude and Nicole.

Stan is very happy to leave those thorny plumbing problems behind.

Boating with Claude and Nicole

An outdoor Sunday mass in the small town a few kilometers from the cottage.

Willy's Vacation with Grandma and Grandpa

Willy loved to go swimming in the St. Laurence. If he hadn't had a leash on he would have taken off after the power boats!

Grandpa is into beer and Willy is into wine.

PJ and Nicole at the Cottage

Willy getting the 'swing around'

Willy looking for shade at the Toits Bleus flea market - little did he know that he was soon to acquire a new brother.

Signing the adoption papers ...

And here he is - Frito - all 4 lbs. of him.

Happy Hour on the deck!

Lunch with Tante Aline and Cousin Mario

Tante Aline is my mother's younger sister - she's in her eighties, still drives her car and is very young at heart. I think she looks terrific!

Sheree at the Cottage

Sheree's favourite thing about the cottage was the fishing dock!

Toronto Zoo

Who would have thought we would run into Greg Jorssen and his family at the Toronto Zoo!

My personal favourite - the giraffe

Very large hippo

Nice lion pair

Mountain goats

Rare white leopard

White rhino

Coral garden

How pretty is that?

Petting the manta rays

Happy Birthday Anna!

We celebrated Anna's big 60th with her 'big' family!

Happy Birthday Nicole

Make a wish ...

Oh - a WII!

Stan - the horse - went into retirement this season. PJ did a photobook highlighting his partnership with Nicole - needless to say a bit of an emotional moment.

Farm Projects

Backfilling after putting down the water and sewer pipes for the new apartment.

The much-appreciated (by the horses) new loafing barn in the big paddock.