Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A busy Thursday!

First we had brunch at Rosie's and Gustavo's loncheria - we hadchiquateles - I think that's how you spell it. In any case - it was delicious!

Then ...

dinner at Carmen's and Rudolfo's house on a hill overlooking Vallarta

Frank and Anna smiled for the camera

Lupo and Miss Betty

Here's Lupo and Miss Betty sporting their new sweaters - they sleep in those chairs every night.

Here's Miss Betty, the Mexican Cutie, all cuddled up in my lap

Valentine Novelty!!!

This is a live chick dyed pink - can you imagine what the SPCA at home would have to say about that!

Daily Routine in PV

Jocelyne is hanging out the wash ...

...and Stan is reading

and sometimes, we go to the beach and Jocelyne is reading too!

Water Works in Pitillal

Building a wall in the river bed next to Frank and Anna's house to hold back the water during the rainy season - hard to believe how high the water gets then when you look at the dry river bed today.

The foreman, George. His daughters came with him one day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Lunch on the beach

Knitting on the beach

Enjoying the pool

At the hotel pool

I-touching at the Mazatlan's Starbucks

Wonderful colonial architecture in the historic district - just a small sample.

Mazatlan Cathedral

On the Way to Mazatlan

Here's a "Mexico motel shot" - and if you don't know what motels are for in Mexico, I'll tell you next time I see you!

An old broken-down circus trailer at the side of the road - note the small horse in the back.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Snowy Interlude Between Hawaii and Mexico

Snow and more snow on Westwood Plateau!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cruise to Hawaii - January 2009

First meal - even before leaving port

Leaving the World Cruise Port of Los Angeles

Sailing away

A little afternoon snack

Early morning coffee

Arrival in Honolulu

Itouch'ing in Honolulu

Kauii sail-away.

Enjoying the pool at night

Night shot - leaving Honolulu

Saying goodbye to Kauii

Leaving Mauii - we were unable to go to shore (via tender) due to very rough seas and left early to stay ahead of an incoming storm.

We very much enjoyed our stop in Ensanada, MX

Formal dinner with Claire and Mo

The cooking staff take a bow