Spent a wonderful afternoon with Diane and Dieter on their boat moored at the Vancouver Rowing Club. Dieter built the boat - all 42 feet of it! - himself.
First Mate - Dieter
Second Mate - Diane
Nice butts! Our very laid-back canine companie, Shatzee(?) not sure on the spelling!
For those not familiar with the "Grouse Grind", this hike/climb to the top of Grouse Mountain has been a rite of passage in the Lower Mainland. A person should do it at least once in a lifetime (sort of like running a marathon - once is enough). So we did it and "once is really quite enough". Here we are still fairly fresh probably less than 1/4 into it.
Seeing the 1/2 way mark sign really wasn't that encouraging - the body said you should be at the top already Here we are having FINALLY reached the top!
Views from the Gondola, on the way back down. Much easier trip than on the way up!
Had a great dinner at The Keg in Burnaby. Somewhat of a wait outside (but hey! the weather was nice!), time in the bar and then, finally, dinner about an hour and a half later. But the dinner was worth the wait. Stan was a happy dad!
Vancouver is introducing "Car-Free" Sundays this summer in various neighbourhoods: the West End, Commercial Drive, Kitsilano and the Main Street area. This was the first of, I believe, will be four Sundays. Looked like a roaring success in the West End where we went. A little square dancing on Denman
Roller Derby girls promoting their sport.
The West End MLS Spencer Herbert (blue shirt)
A Knitting group from the West End - will not be joining them soon!