Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sculptures on the Malecon (seawall)




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Monday, February 22, 2010


View from up the hills at sunset - from one of the restaurants we went to for Stan's paella!


Para-sailing with the hotel/cruise port area in the background - view from our everyday-beach.


Young couple in front of us that particular day

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Watch those waves!

Friday, February 19, 2010

PV/Bucerias Sights

Pick-up soccer game on our regular beach near our condo


Have to love those buckets of cerveza!

We found some Vancouver Winter Olympics spirit on the beach in Mexico

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On the beach in Bucerias - we both thought of Nicole and how she would beg to go on one of those pony rides at that age.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Puerto Vallarta sights

This is the Huichol traditional wear - the Huichols live in the mountains and live in the old way but they come down to the cities and display/sell their art.


From the sublime to the ridiculous - but we LOVE our Costco here in PV!


Stan in front of the many Banyan trees here.


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Shore sights

Yet more snapshots of Puerto Vallarta


Our Lady of Guadelupe Church - the most famous church in the area.


Malecon - toy parachute vendor


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Los Muertos Beach views

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Place in Puerto Vallarta


Front door - one flight of stairs and we're home



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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Phil's Retirement from Coquitlam




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