Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fresh Bread in the Morning

We followed our nose one morning and found this little bakery operation out of a house on our walking route - no sign or anything - fresh buns for a few pesos each.

Two Trees in One

A palm tree has grown inside another type of tree - pretty odd!

You can see the trunk of the palm tree inside the other.

Margaret and Carlos

Spending a week in Puerto Vallarta and spending some time with Frank and Anna at Casa Gagliardi.

Dogs on Mexican Streets

Here's a Benson look-alike

Dogs and baby chicks co-habit very well

Come and pet me, please!

Graffiti is an epidemic around here

Early morning in Pitillal

I want to be free ...

On the lookout

A little playtime before it gets too hot and all you want to do is snooze

Guarding the cerveza!

Wandering the streets at will - it's a good life!

Following the bossman to work

The two amigos - In the sun every morning, in the afternoon they'll be in the shade.

One ear up, one down ...

Grooming his dog

Always there every morning, at the end of his chain

We call him "Fuzz Face"

He waits for Stan's pet every morning

Painting of Casa Galiardi